New beginner introduction class starting in 2025.

  • January 6th

  • February 10th available now

  • March 17th

  • April 21st

  • May 26th

  • June 30th

Each timetable is released at 3 weeks before the start week.

Then, please enroll by one week before.

New pre-intermediate class starting

  • February 15th Saturday at 3:40pm (classroom)

  • March 1st Saturday at 5:20pm (classroom)

Major lesson time

Group lessons:

80 minutes once a week
Monday - Friday 4pm / 5pm / 6:40pm
Saturday 12:10pm / 2pm / 3:40pm

Private lessons:

Monday - Friday daytime 11am - 5:30pm
* Less lesson fees compared with other time or days

Monday - Friday evening 5:30pm - 8pm
Saturday noon - 7pm