Course information

  • Our course focuses on conversation. Of course, there are listening, speaking, reading and writing practices using varieties of materials and some homework.

  • If you've studied Japanese before, we offer you free level assessment. It takes around 15 minutes at reception or online. * Please make a booking firstly.


General course

You learn Japanese character, vocabulary, phrase and grammar constantly. The level is from beginner to advance. This is the core curriculum to build up your Japanese language skill.

Our class activities

  1. main stream with every seconds in Japanese

    • introduce new vocabulary (words, phrase), Japanese characters

    • introduce and explain new grammar structure

    • practice

  2. Repetition, repetition, repetition with many ways

    • memorize words

    • make sentence

    • listen to CD

    • watch video

    • see pictures, cards

    • play game

    • answer drills

  3. Do live conversation

Moreover challenging, interesting homework!


Beginner introduction class

Course Outline

If you have never studied Japanese before, this course is for you. We will teach you the initial gist to read, write, speak and listen to the Japanese language. New vocabulary and grammar will be constantly introduced and you will learn very simple conversation.

Beginner (continue)

Course Outline

After beginner introduction class, the course continues more by the same way. The main task is speaking and listening, and reading and writing more. New vocabulary and grammar are constantly introduced and you will learn simple conversation steadily.



Course Outline

After completing Beginner level, we will build from the previous level and start prepping you for a more intermediate level of the Japanese language. You will learn to communicate in a variety of situations, whether at work, school, college or in the Japanese community.

Pre-Intermediate (comprehensive)

Course Outline

After Pre-intermediate level, we will build the comprehensive conversation skill. You will get used to using varieties of words and grammar at any situation of conversation, and start to learn some kanji as well.



Course Outline

After completing Pre-Intermediate level, we will aim for comprehensive Japanese skill to use more advanced vocabularies and expressions.


Upper-Intermediate - Advanced

Course Outline

After completing intermediate level, this is the time to guide you to be able to shift more advanced level of Japanese smoothly. We will learn more advanced grammar, to write your opinion regarding various topics, to read longer reading materials.

Now that you've completed all intermediate level, we will start guiding you into more advanced level of Japanese. We will learn to use advanced grammar in your conversation and help that the all Japanese skill (Kanji, Vocab, Writing, Listening, Speaking) will be developed.

Level, Aim

      • Can speak and understand daily conversation with confidence, no issue

      • Can read and write regarding various topics, newspaper, various type of writings and can understand its outline

      • Similar level to JLPT N3, N2

Textbook: Chuukyuu e ikoo (中級へ行こう), Chuukyuu o manaboo (中級を学ぼう) & Others


Revision and conversation practice

Course Outline

You may review some vocabulary and grammar structures you've already learnt. Then, there is more opportunities to use your skill for conversation.


JLPT preparation

Course Outline

This course aims to pass JLPT N3, N4 and N5 exam.

These classes run in September and November.